» Marie Skerl Photography

Valentine’s Day Giveaway 2022!

Hey my beautiful friends!

Guess what!? It’s that time of year and you know I can’t break a tradition. It’s time for my annual VALENTINE’S DAY GIVEAWAY!! The one time a year I give away a FREE portrait session! This giveaway isn’t just for couples in love, it’s for everyone! This photo shoot could be personal branding photos for yourself, a family session, a boudoir session, a best friends shoot, whatever you want. The winner will receive a free portrait session by me! 😀

I am  giving away 1 full, FREE session this year with some fun bonuses! The Grand Prize Winner will receive:

  • 1 full portrait session of any kind (which usually lasts about 1.5-2 hours)
  • 150-200 high-res edited images
  • 1 8×10 framed print of your fave photo
  • 1 50% off a session to give to a friend!

2 more winners will receive:

  • 50% off a portrait session of their choice!
  • OR 1 free photography mentor session from me 🙂

These winners will have a choice between a 50% off portrait session or, if you happen to be interested in learning photography yourself, I am giving away 1 free mentor session as well! It will be a 2hr online coaching call. You can learn more about my mentoring HERE. I am so excited about this and I hope you are too! There is nothing like the month of love to spark some generosity. After the couple years we all have just had, I think we all could use some lifting of spirits! <3

How To Enter:

At the bottom of this post you will find a box with ways to enter the Valentine’s Day Giveaway.

Each type of entry has a number value. You can pin an image on this post to Pinterest, share it on Facebook or share it on Instagram once a day and get multiple entries from doing so. Remember to use the hashtag: #marieskerlvday2022 and tag @marieskerlphoto when you are posting so I see you. Make sure to follow my instagram for contest updates as well!

Six years ago I added a new form of entry; Do a Good Deed.” Because of the success of that we are doing it again and it’s worth the most entries by far (5 per day). I really want people to take the time to do something special for someone else. Let’s spread the love this Valentine’s season! Make someone smile. You might buy the person behind you in line their coffee order, make a surprise dinner for a friend, leave someone a note of encouragement, buy me dark chocolate…wait what!? Haha just kidding, but not really because 3 years ago someone actually did mail me dark chocolate and it was amazing. Thank you Amie. Text me for my new address if you need it: 801 717 7357 haha! Do these good deeds everyday for the most possible entry points.

The more entries you make, the more likely you are to win. The winner of the contest will be picked randomly using Rafflecopter on February 15. Entries will end at midnight on February 14th, Valentine’s Day!

Because no post can be without photos, I have included a selection of some funny, cute, joyful and romantic photos taken this past year.

Good luck you wonderful people!! Enter away.

Always Love, Marie


a Rafflecopter giveaway  

  • Rebecca - I am loving feeling every movement of my growing baby, my husband, my puppy, family and friends, and this sunshine!ReplyCancel

    • marie - Aww yay! So exciting! All the new and wonderful things <3 <3ReplyCancel

  • Alecia - Sooooo excited!ReplyCancel

  • Janelle Tarnow - You’re amazing! ❤️❤️ReplyCancel

  • Bonnie - Speaking of dark chocolate , I’ve been indulging in popcorn with dark chocolate drizzled on top 🤤ReplyCancel

  • Jackie - I’m loving on Princess Kate right now as she works
    With charities and program focusing on addiction,
    Mental health and early childhood education.
    She will be a great queen one day, love her!ReplyCancel

  • Gavin - This is so great babes! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Courtney - Yay so excited!ReplyCancel

  • Eileen - It was such an amazing time getting a session done by Marie. We had a blast, as well as we were all in awe!, going up the mountain in the helicopter. Every time I see someone needing a photographer on facebook or talk to someone in person who is looking, I always recommend Marie 🙂ReplyCancel

    • marie - Aww Eileen! You are so wonderful!! 🙂 Thanks so much for always recommending me!ReplyCancel

  • Ingrid - I’m loving on the goodness of Jesus always and forever.ReplyCancel

  • Michelle L - I am loving all the valentines chocolates and sweets my fiancé has been treating me. Can’t wait to marry this guy and our dream wedding🥰ReplyCancel

  • Lindsay - I am loving this sunshine and the promise of Spring!ReplyCancel

  • Anna - I love that you love, love!ReplyCancel

  • Delaina DeRaadt - This is so exciting, thanks so much for the opportunity to enter this amazing giveaway!! Your photography is SO stunning, Marie!! 😊 some of my favorite things right now includes reading (Start With Why – Simon Sinek & The Dream Giver – Bruce Wilkinson), writing, mentorship and fellowship with some of the most incredible people!! It’s been so incredible meeting you!!ReplyCancel

  • Kayla - Happy Valentine’s Day!!!ReplyCancel

  • Tiffany - I am loving that we had a weekend full of sunshine and that it is staying light later in the evening. I am so ready for Spring!!!ReplyCancel

  • Olivia - I am loving the SUNSHINE lately! And the fact I am almost done school. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Cassidy Mahler - I am loving all that Jesus is teaching me in this season, and the hope he gives!!ReplyCancel

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