» Marie Skerl Photography

Engagement Ring | School

Alright two blog posts in 1 day! For the 4th term of the Photo Program I am in I got to make up 8 assignments that I wanted to do. The first one that I planned was some studio shots of an engagement and wedding ring that were worthy of being in a catalogue or magazine. I just needed one thing…the rings haha So, I asked my friend Amanda if I could borrow hers and she graciously said yes! I also asked her what her favorite flowers were and she mentioned gerbera daisies so I incorporated that into the photoshoot 🙂

I used a Hasselblad P25 with a Phase One back to get these awesomely sharp photos:

I got the idea of using a blue scarf (in my case a slik belt) from a Tacori engagement ring ad. They have fantastic ads!

I love how these turned out and I’m excited to do all the rest of my assignments this term and post them on the blog! So, look out for some great posts to come!! 🙂

  • Jon-Mark - Look at you! Two posts in one week, well done! My favourite is the 2nd one, I feel like it’s the strongest image with the most emphasis on the rings, which is what your brides will want!ReplyCancel

  • marie - Thanks Jon-Mark! 🙂 Awesome, I will keep that in mind!ReplyCancel

  • Ruth - They look great!!!ReplyCancel

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