» Marie Skerl Photography

Kirsten and Adam | Panorama

Alright it has taken me WAY too long to get a post up and I apologize. I have been sick for the past 3 weeks with the flu and laryngitis and probably something else too because I don’t seem to be getting much better 🙁 I sounded like a frog gasping for air for the first week and a half and now I am basically a mouth-breather because my nose is so stuffed up haha

But, enough of that! School has been super crazy and I have just been trying to keep organized and focused. One of the assignments I created was to do a fine-art type panorama photo for a couple. So, I asked my friend Kirsten and her boyfriend Adam to help me out. All they really had to do was sit on a bench together in Steveston, but it was FREEZING outside (despite the lovely sun in the photo) and we were all very chilly after I finished shooting. I could barely zip-up my camera bag because my hands were so cold! But, I like the end result and I hope you do too! 🙂


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