» Marie Skerl Photography

Graduation and more! | Personal

I feel like I should write a blog post about what has been going on in my life lately because there is a lot! I finished my last day of classes at Langara College on April 8th and finished all my exams by April 13th. I am basically graduated from college before the age of 20 (which I will be turning on May 8th)! But, before official graduation we have our grad show and have spent the past year fundraising for it with bake sales, pub nights, social media sites, etc. A TON of work from my entire class has gone into this and I think everyone should check out this site: and come to the show on May 7th at 7pm if you can! 🙂

Aside from busily trying to get my grad show wall and portfolio together I have also been featured on two of my lovely photographer friends blogs. The first one is Corina Esquivel and she has been doing a really cool project that you should look at called; CARAS.

The second one is my friend Abbye Dahl and she did grad photos of me in my grade 12 grad dress (which is turquoise, covered with sequins and gorgeous)! We went to Jericho Beach and it was cold, but super fun! Check them all out HERE.

Also, I second-shot a wedding for the first time last weekend (April 16th) with Mathias Fast and it was really fun! I look forward to photographing many more weddings in the future. And I now have a part-time job as an in-house color editor/office assistant with Amber Hughes, who is absolutely fantastic. So, I have been pretty busy! haha I think that is all for now and I got to get back to my editing :p

Love, Marie


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